Since 2019 I have been involved with the CARMEN collective in Grenoble, where scientists from multiple fields (ethology, philosophy, neuroscience, medicine, biology, mathematical modeling and engineering) discuss on topics related to consciousness.
In december 2020 a day of presentations and discussions was organized (in french), titled “La conscience dans tous ses états“.
All videos (audio and image quality are low, unfortunately) are available on youtube.
The last part of the day was a discussion on consciousness in animals and machines, stemming from a questionnaire that was submitted to people registering for the conference and their relatives and friends. Two students presented the results and Christian Graff and myself discussed them with them and with the audience.
The collective has decided to write a book (in french) on its discussions about consciousness.
It will be submitted to the editor in 2021.
I wrote jointly with Michel Dojat and Christian Graff the chapter 8. After proofreading by the other members of the CARMEN collective the chapter’s preprint was put online on ResearchGate.
A short analysis of the questionnaire for the conference will follow, and I hope to write an english translation of the chapter. EDIT: english version published as preprint here !